Energy saving Sliding Doors
Thermal insulation is a key factor in the construction industry. While roofs, walls and windows have been insulated for decades, automatic sliding doors still exhibit massive and continuous heat exchange. This takes place even when the doors are fitted with insulated glass and are in the closed position.
This is due to the one-piece aluminum profiles used in the construction of the doorframe for reasons of stability. The high thermal conductivity of aluminum means that over the entire surface of the door profiles, heat escapes outwards, or, in an air-conditioned room, ambient heat simply radiates away.
Door leaves are subject to dynamic effects that have special requirements; these practically never allow the dimensions of thermally insulated doorframes to remain compact. This is why the systems currently available on the market are often very big and heavy. Thermally insulated profiles, derived from the design and construction of the façade, are at best a compromise as far as looks are concerned.
Developed in-house
The record THERMCORD system has been specially developed for automatic door applications, and for the first time features thermally optimized door profiles with insulating properties. The dimensions, however, are so inconspicuous that they can hardly be distinguished from our conventional doors.
With the record THERMCORD, we have taken the opportunity to consider this technically demanding task strictly from the perspective of the door manufacturer. The result is a stand-alone design that sets new standards in form and function.
Thus, a thermal value (UD) of up to 1.4 W / m² K is achieved in conjunction with 30 mm double glazing.
record THERMCORD is an automatic door system that has thermally separated door profiles with heat insulating properties. The ift Rosenheim determined an achievable heat transmission coefficient (UD) of 1.1 W / m² K featuring approved insulating glazing. THERMCORD is employed as an inside or outside door in areas with a – even temporarily – high temperature differential.
record THERMCORD RC 2 / RC 3 is the ideal entrance door for your retail store, hotel or office building. You will receive effective burglar resistance in combination with efficient, energy-saving properties, which reduce your heating and air-conditioning costs.
The record THERMCORD profile system, with its striking range of features designed to reduce climate control costs, was introduced for the first time in 2012. The THERMCORD+ continues to apply this idea by using active seals.
record THERMCORD telescope is an automatic door system that has thermally separated door profiles with heat insulating properties.
In conjunction with matching insulating glazing and corresponding side panels, the THERMCORD telescope is primarily used as an external door in areas where – even temporarily – there is a high temperature gradient and the space conditions are not optimal.
The THERMCORD telescope is the first telescopic sliding door with thermally insulated profiles that can hardly be distinguished from standard profiles in size. Its filigree construction makes it possible to combine architectural wishes with energy requirements, even in tight spaces.
The awareness of dealing responsibly with natural resources is also reflected in the requirements on buildings and their elements, such as windows and doors, and thus leads to a reduction in energy costs. Heat loss via walls and doors can be efficiently reduced by the automatic door system THERMCORD3 with complete thermal separation, from the panel and profile system to the thermally separated floor rail in the longitudinal axis.