record SAFECORD RC 2 – automatic linear sliding door with RC 2 burglar protection
The record SAFECORD RC 2 is designed for users who have above-average burglary protection requirements, but appreciate the convenient operation of a standard automatic door.

After passing the relevant tests in June 2013, the record SAFECORD RC 2 was certified RC 2 burglar-resistant, in line with EN 1627:2011 norms and standards. The outstanding feature of this model is the complete integration of all security-enhancing modifications, so that outwardly the door appears unchanged, but remains straightforward and convenient to operate. To fully lock the installation, just press a button on the record BDE-D remote control display, supplied as standard.
The drive and control units are also standard, so the extra cost of the SAFECORD is generated exclusively by the security-enhancing measures.
We at record have provided SAFECORD with a range of features that provide a package of good burglary protection. The RC 2 class ensures the model is fitted with special projectile-resistant glass, in contrast to the weaker RC 2 N requirements. By using standard P5A laminated glass, which corresponds to a higher resistance class, the SAFECORD exceeds the norm’s minimum requirements. This has had a positive impact on the overall stability of the door system, achieving a comfortable safety margin.
Burglary Protection Measures
Measures to strengthen door construction cover all the critical areas:
- P5A laminated safety glass in line with EN 356 norms and standards
- Modified running gear protected against lifting
- Structural reinforcements on side screens, door leaves and closing edges
In addition to specific design changes, the record SAFECORD RC 2 features some safety equipment you can order in substantially identical form for doors other than the SAFECORD specification. These include:
- MPV multi-point locking
- Floor rails made of stainless steel
- Continuous floor guide
According to the requirements of resistance class RC 2, the sum of these measures provides sufficient resistance to opportunistic burglars to force them to give up their attempt to break in, or stop them long enough to enable security forces to intervene before access is gained.
As vehemently as the SAFECORD denies access to burglars, it opens equally reliably in the opposite direction. The SAFECORD RED redundant version can also be used in escape routes.