Documentation - BIM
16 documents
BIM Revit 2020 for record THERMCORD D-STA
BIM Revit version 2020
BIM Revit 2020 for record THERMCORD D-STA Curtain wall hosted
BIM Revit version 2020
BIM Revit 2020 for record THERMCORD D-STA non hosted
BIM Revit version 2020
BIM Revit 2020 for record THERMCORD E-STA
BIM Revit version 2020
BIM Revit 2020 for record THERMCORD E-STA Curtain wall hosted
BIM Revit version 2020
BIM Revit 2020 for record THERMCORD E-STA non hosted
BIM Revit version 2020
record THERMCORD D-STA – curtain wall panel
Revit 2012-2014: document for a sliding door record THERMCORD D-STA (double sided) with thermally insulated profiles for installing the curtain wall panel assembly
record THERMCORD D-STA – wall based
Revit 2012-2014: document for a sliding door THERMCORD D-STA (double sided) with thermally insulated profiles in wall panel assembly
Revit 2012-2014: document for a sliding door record THERMCORD D-STA (double sided) with thermally insulated profiles
record THERMCORD D-STA – curtain wall panel
Revit 2015: document for a sliding door record THERMCORD D-STA (double sided) with thermally insulated profiles for installing the curtain wall panel assembly
record THERMCORD D-STA – wall based
Revit 2015: document for a sliding door THERMCORD D-STA (double sided) with thermally insulated profiles in wall panel assembly
Revit 2015: document for a sliding door record THERMCORD D-STA (double sided) with thermally insulated profiles
record THERMCORD E-STA – curtain wall panel
Revit 2012-2014: Revit document for a linear sliding door (single sided) record E-STA for installing the curtain wall panel assembly
record THERMCORD E-STA – wall based
Revit 2012-2014: Revit document for a sliding door record THERMCORD D-STA (single sided) with thermally insulated profiles for installing the wall-based assembly
Revit 2012-2014: document for a sliding door record THERMCORD E-STA (single sided) with thermally insulated profiles
Building Information Modeling (BIM): ArchiCAD document for a sliding door record THERMCORD with thermally insulated profiles